Smok Nfix

Smok Nfix Pro Ohms Too Low

The Smok Nfix Pro is a portable pod system designed to deliver smooth and flavorful puffs. Its compact size and modern components have made the device popular among vapers needing portability, ease of use, and reliability all in one gadget. However, Like any electronic vape, it has its fair share of technical problems from time to time. One of the most prominent of these issues is regarding the device not functioning at all due to the “Ohms Too Low” error message.

This message stems primarily from coil problems, including a poorly fitted coil to a completely defective one. In addition, weak pod connections and dust on the contact points could greatly inhibit the device’s ability to read coil resistance accurately. On top of those, having the incorrect wattage set or issues with the firmware could make things worse. The device stops working as a precautionary measure should the resistance reading be too low, in order to protect itself from burning out or overheating.

Thankfully, resolving the “Ohms Too Low” error is not too hard as long as you have the appropriate troubleshooting instructions. Users can remove the issues swiftly by checking the coil, cleaning the pod connections, and adjusting the device settings. This guide will explore this error in detail and provide a solution to getting your Smok Nfix Pro back to working order.

Understanding the “Ohms Too Low” Error

What Does “Ohms Too Low” Mean?

Your coil resistance is measured through ohm reading which is very important to the overall functionality of your vape device. If ohm readings are too low, your Smok Nfix Pro might fail to fire as intended, leading to improper functioning. This error is designed to help mitigate issues with overheating or electrical failures within the device. When the device encounters too low of a resistance, it will shut off to protect both the device and the user.

How Resistance Affects Vaping Performance

  • Lower resistance: Produces more vapor but drains the battery faster.
  • Higher resistance: Provides a smoother throat hit and better battery life.
  • Too low resistance: Triggers an error in Smok vape mods to prevent damage. 

Potential Causes of “Ohms Too Low” Error Message

Issues with the Coil

It is possible that there has been a Smok Nfix Pro coil installation error, which may lead to connectivity challenges. If the coil is not properly set within the device, the device will not be able to read the resistance. Alternatively, a burnt out or broken coil can also contribute toward this problem, since it can potentially induce oscillation in resistance readings. Keeping in mind that not all devices are the same, it is best to ensure the coil you are using is of a compatible and trusted device brand.

Issues Regarding the Pod

Most likely the Smok Nfix Pro pods are defective, dirty, and may not be making proper contact with the device. If a proper fit is not made, the device may not function effectively, as the coil may not be correctly fitted and read. If these connection points are faulty or loose, the device will most likely not recognize the resistance of the coil. As a best practice, it is advisable to always check the pod connection points for any signs of damage or looseness that may prevent tight fitting pods.

Device Related Problems

There are some manual settings on the Smok Nfix Pro that if set incorrectly, can also invoke “Ohms Too Low” Error. When a lower than the set wattage is used, the device will most likely go into a malfunction state. As a worst case scenario, an internal hardware defect on your smok vape mod could be another cause for this issue. Isolating the problem by checking device settings and making updates when needed to resolve the error is ideal.

External Factors

Issues like leakage of e-liquids, moisture, or dirt accumulation within the device can hinder the coil connections. When liquid enters the coil chamber, faulty resistance readings may result. Furthermore, excessive dust or debris can also obstruct the unit, resulting in an error message being activated.

How to Fix the “Ohms Too Low” Error:

Step 1: Check and Replace the Coil

In Smok Nfix coils, always check for moisture and replace the device if found unreasonably damp. In the initial stage one should take out the pod and check for any damage on the coil. If you can see any burn marks on the coil, change it immediately with a new Smok Nfix Pro coil. Make sure that the coil is fitted properly and placed inside the pod security. Misplacing the coil will lead to misreading the resistance.

Step 2: Look Over the Pod Connection

Clearing out the Smok Nfix Pro pods must come first before doing anything else. If dirt has accumulated near the contact points of the pod, then wipe it down using a dry towel or a cotton swab. Replacing the pod with a secure one can resolve the issue if it is cracked or worn out. For proper resistance readings, the pod must also be stable and accurate when reading.

Step 3: Clean the Device Properly

Smok vape pen connection errors can be avoided with proper repairs, and maintenance routinely does help. With a dry cotton swab, wipe down the dust along with any residue filled e-liquids from the coil and pod connection regions. Moisture can result in damaging the device’s inner workings, so avoid using excessive cleaning solutions like water. The reason is, excessive cleaning solutions can also damage the device.

Step 4: Adjust Smok Nfix Pro Manual Settings

If the device you are using makes it possible to change the wattage, then ensure that the set levels are within recommendations. Not doing this will result in the use of incompatible resistances, thus causing errors. Use the Smok Nfix Pro documents and identify the settings relevant to the device’s coil type for better set adjustments.

Step 5: Restart Or Reset The Device

For minor software glitches, sometimes, simply restarting the device is the solution. Place your Smok Nfix Pro into standby mode and take off the pod. Let it stay in this fashion for a few seconds before turning it back on. In case the issue still persists, consider resetting the device to factory defaults. Doing this can help in eliminating issues related to the firmware as well as resistance detection issues.

Step 6: Updating The Firmware

To rectify bugs, improve performance, and repair some Smok vape mods, certain updates can be installed. Check the official Smok website for any updates relating to your Smok Nfix Pro. Having the latest updates in your devices helps in alleviating technical issues as well as error messages.
Thus, these troubleshooting steps help to successfully clear the “Ohms Too Low” error from your device and achieve optimal performance from it.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Ohms Issues

  • Always use compatible Smok Nfix Pro coils and pods.
  • Clean the pod connection area regularly to prevent dirt buildup.
  • Avoid over-tightening the coil, which can damage the threads.
  • Store the Smok vape pen in a dry place to prevent moisture damage.


The “Ohms Too Low” error in the Smok Nfix Pro can be frustrating, but it’s usually an easy fix. Whether it’s a faulty coil, dirty pod connection, or a minor software glitch, following these troubleshooting steps can restore your device’s performance. By maintaining your vape properly and using genuine Smok Nfix Pro coils and pods, you can prevent this issue from recurring.
Looking for quick and reliable vape delivery near me? Get your favorite Smok Nfix Pro and more at Vape Universe, your go-to shop for top-quality vapes and accessories!

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